A thousand-year-old legend tells that troublemaker angels would have led the world to its ruin by teaching the artifices of beauty and adornment to women then the art of metallurgy and war to men. This story is fascinating because it teaches us several things. First, that beauty and war are two sides of the same coin: that of power. Then, that beauty is more powerful than war, because it excites and stirs it. Second, that this power is sacred because it comes from "angels". Finally, that this power can destroy us all if it is suffered and not mastered.
In reality, this power is none other than alchemy. To make weapons, you have to know how to work metals. And to make potions of youth and scented love potions, you have to know how to distil the plants. And to do all this, we need the fire of the alchemist, the Promethean flame of intelligence that comes from Heaven and that transmutes matter.

Applying a cream, spraying a perfume are therefore not such trivial gestures, but daily affirmations of the power that one wishes to exercise over oneself and others. Revealing the most beautiful version of yourself allows you to transform yourself and the world around you in depth. It's a seemingly frivolous game, but deep down it's very serious.
Beyond its current marketing, technical, holistic or militant dimension, we believe that Beauty is above all a sacred feminine energy (present in women and increasingly in men) and a tool of immense power.

In order to use this power wisely and not perish from it (like the greedy alchemist who loses control and is consumed by his own fire), we must first master our intentions and understand our role in this life. This is possible in several ways: through the asceticism of the body (from the beauty routine to the draconian fast), the work of the mind (via the study of nature and the stars) or the transcendence of the soul (which breaks free from the rules of time and space). But all these paths are part of the same mystique.
At MAISON FLAMEL, we simply hope that our creations will help you find your way.